Adam and Vanessa are the kind of people that are hard not to love. Adam’s heart of gold and Vanessa’s free spirit made them instant friends of mine. For 10 years, Adam and Vanessa had been sharing their lives together. He was the peanut butter to her strawberry jelly, the Desi Arnaz to her Lucille Ball, the french fries to her (veggie) burger…. basically, they fit perfectly together. They both moved across the country and traveled back, where they recently settled in Seattle. When Adam proposed last year, being the type of people who are adventurous and non-traditional, an elopement was in the running as one of the wedding options. Ultimately, they decided more so than wanting a wedding, they wanted to share their promise to each other with the people they care about. And so… after shooting their engagement session a year ago, it was finally time for this Bakersfield wedding photographer to get on a plane and shoot their intimate Seattle wedding.
It was an honor to be there photographing the event for two very special friends. The day started out with some sunshine at their apartment with a Space Needle view. From there, the ceremony and reception was held at Urban Light Studios. The location was basically a photographer’s dream come true, and a haven from the Seattle rain. The whole day was a perfect fit for these two unconventional love birds. Personal and full of details that represented them. They also utilized the talents of all their wonderful friends. The gorgeous bouquet and boutonnieres of succulents were created by the talented Claire Lewis who also officiated the ceremony. The cake was made by Adam’s sister-in-law Mellisa. To top it all off, a fabulous blue grass band provided the entertainment for the evening.




Absolutely fabulous! What a fun wedding! The confetti was perfect and I love the cake photo…just for show or did they smash it?!!
loveeeee. loveeeeee. loveeeeee! all the little details & the succulent-goodness is to die for!fantastic work lovie!!
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