You’re engaged! Now comes all the planning…Oh boy, by now you may have searched until the end of the internet looking for your perfect photographer. Or perhaps you stumbled upon me rather quickly. Now the question is, am I your wedding photographer? I hope so! I get the feeling that if you have made it this far along my web site, then you might like what you see. I will be the first one to tell you, I did not get into the wedding business to be a salesman. Yet, in all seriousness, I do fully understand what an important decision this is for you, and how special this time is in your life. Everyone values different things when planning a wedding day. After several years of shooting weddings for some amazing people, here are a few things my couples seem to find important:
love and partnership
creativity and collaboration
a good love story
fun and flexibility
family, friendship and every guest in between
feeling special and being individuals
You can also hear it in their own words via Yelp.
I don’t want to book your wedding just to book a wedding. I want you to be excited about this decision! Just like you were when you got engaged. (OK – not just as… But you know what I mean.) I want you to feel like this was …
If you feel a strong connection to my work, and think it’s a good fit for your wedding day, I’d love to meet with you. Click that contact link in the menu above. Then… Get jazzed! Get pumped! Get psyched! Because we are about to make some art and capture some stellar moments.