Santa Barbara Wedding for Claire & Peter

Claire and Peter were married in the most wonderful Santa Barbara wedding. Their ceremony took place at El Presidio Chapel, followed by a reception at Carrillo Historic Ballroom. Most often when photographers feature weddings it’s easy to get hung up on details, and boy were there some amazing details. For example: Claire’s stunning GOLD dress and the beautiful colorful flowers! A favorite detail of mine was the tables numbered with grades, honoring how long these two have been in school, and also featuring a photo of each of them in each grade. They met at UCSB while getting advanced degrees so it was fitting and adorable. Oh, and the pedi-cab, the cake piñata, the bridesmaids’ “tattoos,” the custom brewed beer… I could go on and on. In fact, there were so many amazing moments, this blog post was very hard to narrow down. However, despite all those details the one thing that was most apparent about this wedding was that these two people are so very very loved. Everyone seemed so inspired by the way Claire and Peter love each other, and they were ready to celebrate it. There was a packed dance floor the entire night, and the joyful energy that surrounded everyone was so heartwarming. In fact, we felt the love immediately. I left the wedding thinking, “wow, I wish I had some way to thank everyone we came in contact with that weekend collectively.” Well, as a matter of fact, I do. It’s this blog post! So, before we get to the good stuff (the photos!) I would just like to say a big thank you to everyone we met. Several people thanked and complimented us on our work before we ever took a single frame of wedding imagery, and that made us feel awesome! Much love to you all… and now, some of my favorites from the day:

Bride’s dress: Aidan Mattox
Bridesmaid dresses: Anthropologie
Groomsman: Mission Tuxedo
Flowers: Suzie Schneider
Pedi Cab: Santa Barbara Pedi-Cab
Ceremony: El Presidio Chapel
Reception: Carrillo Historic Ballroom
The view: Canary Hotel
Music: Calé
Wedding Party “coffee break”: Handlebar Coffee Roasters

  • Claire - March 6, 2013 - 10:10 pm


    These are great! I know it was only less than a week ago, but I enjoy re-living the day! Thanks so much!ReplyCancel

  • Jessica Frey - March 7, 2013 - 1:34 am

    Wow. What an incredible wedding!! You captured it beautifully…I’m in love with the details and you know that sparkly dress is to die for! Congrat to the couple 😉ReplyCancel

  • Lori - March 7, 2013 - 2:10 am

    Amazing photos! Loved the piñata shot! And yes, that was my husband singing Sir Mix A Lot! Beautiful work, beautiful bride and handsome groom ( my cousin-in -law) a treasured event in our lives!!ReplyCancel

  • Lucy - March 7, 2013 - 6:17 am

    You captured Fun, Fun, and more Fun wrapped in love!!ReplyCancel