The Magazine

Because of my love for graphic design, I have always had a thing for print. I am an avid reader of blogs, but magazines for me will never die. I devour them monthly for just about every interest I have. They call to me at news stands, get passed along between friends and of course, there is the awesomeness of that subscription arriving in the mailbox every month. Inspiration and information is in your hands to see, touch and even dog ear if you so chose.

For the visitors of my studio, I tried to recreate this feeling by creating and printing a magazine of some of my favorite 2010 wedding moments. If you have been to my studio, you may have seen it on the coffee table ready to greet any new guests who walk in. Now that 2011 is officially in full swing, I thought what better way to wrap up the year then turning this into an e-zine for everyone to view online. In full screen mode it is the next best thing to having a magazine in your hands. If you would like to come into my studio for the real life experience, just let me know. Last year was full of amazing clients, fellow vendors and experiences. These pages pretty much sum it all up.

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Sheryce - January 6, 2011 - 6:13 pm

Beautiful work! What a great way to recap 2010. The future looks bright!

Jessica Frey - January 7, 2011 - 4:41 am

Graphic Designer extroidinare! Combine that with your photography talents…and you get this….stunning work! Absolutely fabulous Jen! Proud of you!!

Lucy Williams - January 7, 2011 - 4:48 am

You captured love for so many lucky couples.

Amber Christian - January 19, 2011 - 3:21 am

This looks amazing! You have a beautiful talent, you should be proud.

courtney b - April 16, 2011 - 3:38 pm

i cant tell you enough how proud i am of you and your work! but i will say i am disappointed that you were in Seattle and didn’t tell me! i would have loved to have seen you!

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